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Books, articles, conference papers

Maurer, D. (2024): Acoustics of the Vowel – Indices. Lausanne: Peter Lang.
>> Publisher, printed book and OA eBook (PDF; free download)

Maurer, D., d'Heureuse, C., Suter, H., Dellwo, V., Friedrichs, D., Kathiresan, T. (2024): The Zurich Corpus of Vowel and Voice Quality, Version 2.0. Published online 2024-07-31 on
(For the first version and the corresponding INTERSPEECH paper, see below)

Maurer, D., d'Heureuse, C., Suter, H., Dellwo, V. (2019): Formant pattern and spectral shape ambiguity of vowel sounds, and related phenomena of vowel acoustics – Exemplary evidence. In INTERSPEECH 2019 – 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, September 15–19, Graz, Austria, 2019, 2368–2369.
>> Paper

Kathiresan, T., Maurer, D., Dellwo, V. (2019): Highly spectrally undersampled vowels can be classified by machines without supervision. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, EL1.
>> Paper

Maurer, D., d'Heureuse, C., Suter, H., Dellwo, V., Friedrichs, D., Kathiresan, T. (2018): The Zurich Corpus of Vowel and Voice Quality, Version 1.0. INTERSPEECH 2018 – 98th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, September 2-6, Hyderabad, India, Proceedings, 2018, 1417–1421.
>> Paper
>> Corpus online,

Dellwo, V., Kathiresan, T., Pellegrino, E., He, L., Schwab, S., Maurer, D. (2018): Influences of fo on speaker identification in vocalic utterances by humans and computers. INTERSPEECH 2018 – 98th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, September 2-6, Hyderabad, India, Proceedings, 2018, 3795–3799.
>> Paper (PDF)

Maurer, D. (2018): Why a phenomenology of vowel sounds is needed. In Belz, M., Mooshammer, C., Fuchs, S., Jannedy, S., Rasskazova, O., & Żygis, M. (2018), Proceedings of the Conference on Phonetics & Phonology in German-speaking countries (P&P 13), pp. 121–124. (
>> PDF
>> PDF (extended version 2018-02-12)

Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Rosen, S., and Dellwo, V. (2017)
: Vowel recognition at fundamental frequencies up to 1kHz reveals point vowels as acoustic landmarks.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
142 (2), pp. 1025–1033.
>> Abstract

Kathiresan, T., Maurer, D., Suter, H., Dellwo, V. (2017):Enhancing the objectivity of interactive formant estimation: Introducing Euclidean distance measure and numerical conditions for numbers and frequency ranges of formants. Proceedings of the 28th Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017, Saarbrücken, p. 130–137.

Maurer, D. (2016): Acoustics of the Vowel – Preliminaries. Bern/Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
>> Abstract and content (PDF)
>> Publisher, printed book, open access eBook and PDF (free download)
>>, open access (free download)
>> Materials online

Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Suter, H., and Dellwo, V. (2015): Vowel identification at high fundamental frequencies in minimal pairs. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK. Paper number 0434, 1-4.

>> PDF

Maurer, D., Suter, H., Friedrichs, D., Dellwo, V. (2015): Acoustic Characteristics of Voice in Music and Straight Theatre: Topics, Conceptions, Questions. In Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, M.-J., Schmid, S., Dellwo, V. (Eds.), Trends in Phonetics in German-speaking Europe. Bern/Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 393–406.

Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Suter, H., Dellwo, V. (2015):
Methodological issues in the acoustic analysis of steady state vowelsIn Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, M.-J., Schmid, S., Dellwo, V. (Eds.), Trends in Phonetics in German-speaking Europe. Bern/Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 33–41.

Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Dellwo, V. (2015): The phonological function of vowels is maintained at fundamental frequencies up to 880 Hz. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138, EL36.
>> PDF

Maurer, D., Mok, P., Friedrichs, D., Dellwo, V. (2014): Intelligibility of high-pitched vowel sounds in the singing and speaking of a female Cantonese Opera singer. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2014, 2132-2133.
>> PDF
>> Materials online

Maurer, D. (2013): Akustik des Vokals – Präliminarien. subTexte 08, Anton Rey (Hg.), Zürich, Institute for the Performing Arts and Film, 2013.

>> Link to publication (book, de)
>> Link to publication (materials, de)
>> Link to E-shop

Maurer, D. (2010): Syntactics? In Maurer, D. und Riboni, C. (Hg.), Bild und Bildgenese, Bern, Lang, 225-290.

Maurer, D. (2001): Akustische Fallstudie eines Knaben mit schwerer Sprechstörung - Wahrgenommene Identität und spektrale Merkmale von Lauten stimmloser und stimmhafter Sprache. Schlussbericht. Universitätsspital Zürich, Neuropsychologie.

Maurer, D., and Landis, T. (2000): Formant pattern ambiguity of vowel sounds International Journal of Neuroscience, 100 (1-4), 39-76.
>> Paper

Maurer, D., and Klinkert, A. (1998): Vokale und ihre physikalischen Merkmale. I. Lautidentität und Formantmuster. Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 98, 386-387.
>> PDF

Maurer, D., and Klinkert, A. (1998): Vokale und ihre physikalischen Merkmale. II. Lautidentität und Partialton-spektrum. Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 98, 388-389.

>> PDF

Maurer, D. (1997): Arguments against formants - the descriptional problem of acoustic phonetics. Proceedings of the Journées d'Etudes Linguistiques 1997, University of Nantes (FR), 106-111.

Maurer, D., Hess, M., and Gross, M. (1996): High-speed imaged vocal fold vibrations and larynx movements within vocalizations of different vowels. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 105, 975-981.
>> Abstract

Maurer, D., and Landis, T. (1996): Intelligibility and spectral differences in high pitched vowels Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica, 48, 1-10.
>> Abstract

Maurer, D., and Landis, T. (1995): Fo-dependence, number alteration, and non-systematic behaviour of the formants in German vowels. International Journal of Neuroscience, 83 (1-2), 25-44.
>> Paper

Maurer, D. (1994): Über den Vokal. Band I: Kritik der akustischen Theorie der stimmhaften Sprachlaute. Band II: Materialien. Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz/Germany.

Maurer, D., Gröne, B., Landis, T., Hoch, G., and Schönle, P.W. (1993): Reexamination of the relation between the vocal tract and the vowel sound with EMA in vocalizations. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 7, 129-143.
>> Abstract

Maurer, D., Cook, N., Landis, T., and d'Heureuse, C. (1992): Are measured differences between the formants of men, women and children due to F0 differences? Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 21, 66-79.
>> Abstract

Maurer, D. (1991): Was ist das Physikalische des Vokals? In Rohmert, W. (Ed.): Kolloquium Praktische Musikphysiologie, Dokumentation Arbeitswissenschaft, Bd. 27 (pp 165 - 187). Darmstadt: Schmidt Verlag.

Maurer, D., Landis, T., and d'Heureuse, C. (1991): Formant movement and formant number alteration with rising F0 in real vocalizations of the German vowels [u:], [o:] and [a:]. International Journal of Neuroscience, 57, 25-38.
>> Paper

Maurer, D., and Landis, T. (1990): Role of bone conduction in the self-perception of speech. Folia phoniatrica, 42, 226-229.
>> Abstract

Short contributions and abstracts

Maurer, D., d'Heureuse, C., Suter, H. (2020): Does vowel recognition relate to pitch?  Acoustics Virtually EverywhereThe 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,
7-11 December 2020.
>> Abstract and poster

Maurer, D., Suter, H., Kathiresan, T., Dellwo, V. (2018): Sinewave vowel sounds: The role of vowel qualities, frequencies and harmonicity of sinusoids, and perceived pitch for vowel recognition. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(3):1920.
>> Abstract, Poster, Materials

Kathiresan, T., Maurer, D., Suter, H., Dellwo, V. (2018): Formant pattern and spectral shape ambiguity of vowel sounds revisited in synthesis: The role of fundamental frequency and formant amplitude. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(3):1919–1920.
>> Abstract, Poster, Materials

Maurer, D., Dellwo, V., Suter, H., Kathiresan, T. (2017): Formant pattern and spectral shape ambiguity of vowel sounds revisited in synthesis: Changing perceptual vowel quality by only changing the fundamental frequency. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(5):3469–3470.
>> Abstract
>> Poster

Maurer, D., Suter, H. (2017): "Flat" vowel spectra revisited in vowel synthesis. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(5):3469.
>> Abstract
>> Poster
>> Additional materials

Maurer, D., Suter, H. (2017): Vowel synthesis related to equal-amplitude harmonic series in frequency ranges > 1 kHz combined with single harmonics < 1 kHz, and including variation of fundamental frequency. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(5):3469.
>> Abstract
>> Poster

Maurer, D., Kathiresan, T., Suter, H., Dellwo, V. (2016):
How listeners recognise vowel sounds under highpass or lowpass filtering of vowel-specific frequency ranges. 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2016. Journal of the Acoustucal Society of America, 140 (4), p. 3217.
> Abstract
> Poster

Kathiresan, T., Maurer, D., Dellwo, V. (2016): Automatic selection of the number of poles for different gender and age groups in steady-state isolated vowels. 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2016. Journal of the Acoustucal Society of America, 140 (4), p. 3058.
> Abstract
> Poster

Friedrichs, D., Rosen, St., Iverson, P., Maurer, D., Dellwo, V. (2016): Mapping vowel categories at high fundamental frequencies using multidimensional scaling of cochlea-scaled spectra. 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2016. Journal of the Acoustucal Society of America, 140 (4), p. 3219.
> Abstract
> Poster

Maurer, D., Kathiresan, T., Dellwo, V. (2016):
Vowel sounds produced with varying production parameters: Conceptualisation and realisation of a database. In IAFPA Annual Conference, York, UK, 24 July – 27 July, 2016, p. 114.
> Abstract
> Poster
> Materials online

Maurer, D., Suter, H.,
Friedrichs, D., Dellwo, V. (2015): Gender and age differences in vowel-related formant patterns: What happens if men, women, and children produce vowels on different and on similar F0? Journal of the Acoustucal Society of America, 137, p. 2416.
> Abstract
> Poster

Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Suter, H., Dellwo, V. (2014): Vowel identification at high fundamental frequencies in the context of minimal pairs. Proceedings of Phonetik und Phonologie 10 (P&P10), Konstanz, 2014.
> Abstract

Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Suter, H., and Dellwo, V. (2014): Vowel discrimination at high fundamental frequencies in real speech. Journal of the Acoustucal Society of America, 135, p. 2422.
> Abstract

Maurer, D., Suter, H., Friedrichs, D., Dellwo, V. (2013): Acoustic characteristics of voice in music and straight theatre: Conceptions and questions. Proceedings of Phonetik und Phonologie 9 (P&P9), 10/2013, Zurich, p. 57.
> Abstract

Friedrichs, D., Dellwo, V., Maurer, D., Suter, H. (2013): Acoustic analysis of vowel sounds including extensive variation of fundamental frequency. Proceedings of Phonetik und Phonologie 9 (P&P9), Zurich, 2013, p. 34.
> Abstract

Klinkert, A., and Maurer, D. (1997): Fourier spectra and formant patterns of German vowels produced at F0 of 70 - 850 Hz. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101, 3112.
>> Abstract

Maurer, D., and Klinkert, A. (1997): The spectral difference of different vowels - towards a new acoustical concept. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101, 3112.
>> Abstract

Maurer, D. (1996): Über den Vokal - Psychophysik und Physiologie der stimmhaften Sprachlaute. Roche Research Foundation, 25th Anniversary Annual Report, 51.

Maurer, D., and Landis, T. (1990): Does vowel perception rely on resonance patterns? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 12, 421.